Sanny van Loon is a freelance illustrator from Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

After graduating as a graphic designer in 2009, she earned a bachelor’s degree in illustration from the HKU University of the Arts in 2014. That's when Sanny really found her dream job and decided to start her own business.
She specializes in illustrations for books, magazines, packaging, stationery and other products.

Clients include:

Air Canada (CA) / Albert Heijn (NL) / (NL) / Bravery Magazine (US) / Chronicle Books (US) / Clorox (US) / Compendium (US) / Country Living Magazine (US) / Dacia (BE) / De Parade (NL) / Diabetes Fonds (NL) / Dr. Oz Magazine (US) / ELLEgirl (NL) / Flow Magazine (NL/DE/FR) / HEMA (NL) / Ivy Press (UK) / King Louie (NL) / Koken met van Boven (NL) / Libelle (NL) / Margriet (NL) / Martini (NL) / Nivea (NL) / Papyrus (US) / Popsugar (UK) / PostNL (NL) / Profile Books (UK) / Psychology Today (US) / Real Simple Magazine (US) / Resurgence & Ecologist Magazine (UK) / Rightway Healthcare (US) / Rotterdampas (NL) / Southern Living Magazine (US) / VPRO (NL) / Washingtonian (US) / Workman Publishing (US) / Wrangler (US) / Yoga Magazine (NL)


Shop Around (EN)
Flow Magazine (NL)
Museum of Me (EN)
Collect Magazine / PostNL (NL)
Flow Magazine (NL)
Flow Magazine (EN)
Picame (IT)
Flow Lemonade (NL)
Ballpit Mag (EN)
© Sanny van Loon